Monday, February 28, 2011
Over 180 million Tons of Corns Consumed in China 2010 - Corn is an of import cereal sort in China whose end product in 2009 was about 165 million tons. China's Zea mays ingestion is mainly separated into provender uptake and industrial intake. Macroeconomic circumstances exercise more influence on the consumption of Zea mays compared with those of ration changes such as wheat and rice texture. In recent years, with the increment in China's provender and industrial demand, Chinaware's Zea mays phthisis demand has been on the advance. In 2010, China's full corn uptake was over 180 million long tons, increasing by over 5 % over 2009. With the retrieval of Chinese economic system, the need of Chinaware's provender and deep-processing industry for Indian corn will see an obvious increase in 2011-2012.Among China's treated maize productions, basal productions lodge in a big proportion with low added value. Processed productions with high technical message and added value still miscarry to forgather market place need.
Another prominent trouble in Chinaware's corn processing industry is that the product capacity of basal productions especially for starch and inebriant is exuberant, and the industry's capacity employment rate is insufficient ; little enterprises are legion and contention among enterprises is boisterous. The industry needs to be further integrated.
In recent years, as the Chinese governance's effectuation of the minimal purchase price policy for cereal and the step up in cultivation cost, Chinaware's Zea mays terms has been ascending year by twelvemonth. Since maize market price was continually going up in 2009, the maize cultivation surface area in 2010 steps up.
Chinaware was always a final corn-exporting area before 2010. However, when China suffered from drouth in 2009, the declination of Zea mays return and the step up of Zea mays demand in the domestic marketplace led to the speeding meaning of corn in China since 2009. In 2009, the Zea mays exportation volume in Chinaware was 129,000 tons, which is 50.9 % of that in 2008. In 2009, the exportation book in Chinaware was 83,000 tons, which is 5.6 times over that in the same full point of 2008.
In January-October 2010, Republic of China exported 1,478,754 long tons of corn in amount, increasing by 4,402.09 % YOY. But China's corn exportation book was only 112,234 gross tons in the same full point. In 2010, it has been a foregone conclusion for Chinaware to be a last corn-exporting area.
the info from Genus Argentina rendered that after several times of consults with the Ministry of Farming of China, both sides have passed on a bilateral correspondence that Chinaware will buy 5.50 million gross tons of corn in 2011 from Genus Argentina. It is called that in 2011-2015, Chinaware will maintain the billet of a corn exporting area.
Rootage : hypertext transfer protocol : 234-research-report-on-china-s-corn-industry-2011-2012. html.
Lectors can get more following information from Enquiry Report on China's Corn Industry, 2011-2012 :.
-Corn Production in China.
-Demand in Chinaware's Corn Market.
-China's Corn Processing Industry and Its Demand for Corn.
-Major Corn Processing Enterprises in Chinaware and Their Operations.
-Import and Exportation of Zea mays in China.
-Corn Price Trend in China.
-Prediction on Growth of Chinaware's Corn Market.
Pursuing mortals are recommended to purchase this reputation :.
-Corn Cultivating Enterprises.
-Corn Processing Enterprises.
-Corn Trade Enterprises.
-Investors Concerning about Chinaware's Corn Market.
-Research Institutions Concerning about Chinaware's Corn Market.
Friday, February 25, 2011
The Best Strategies to Earning New Clients
Bringing in a brand-new customer will always be easier to do when you work to make yourself as visible as you can possibly be. This does not mean that you need to be plastering your face all over the internet. It means that your familiarity with your market should be intimate enough that you know where the people within that market go to find new information and products and then make sure that your name is where they are looking. It might be comprising advertising on a blog. It could be in the form of attendance at a convention for your market. The less difficult it is for individuals to see you, the more likely it is that they will turn to you when they need something.
Give away something at no cost to some new client. This could be a little tough to do. There are some who will believe that it is certainly not acceptable to give away any of your products or services for free. They say that if you do this it just means that the buyer is going to believe that they will always be able to get something from you for free. If you don't guantee that the person understands that your no cost offering is only for brand-new clients and only available once, this could certainly be a problem. If you put actions in place to ensure that your promotional offer is plainly and clearly stated you shouldn't have any trouble.
Look for organizations and organizations that are complimentary to your own and that you can pair with. An instance of this is the content composer who pairs up with the SEO organization that wants to add writing to the list of services it offers. This not only delivers you more business, it can help you form robust working relationships. Building reciprocal relationships is amazingly important. This can help you find new writing clients and the SEO company can offer writing services to the clients who need help with that. It's a win-win-win for everybody involved.
There are wide ranging things you can do both on the internet and off the internet to get new clients. The most crucial thing for yourself, however, is to do the proper research. You have to comprehend your target market inside and out. The more you understand about prospects and what they want and need, the better able you'll be to give them exactly that. Your achievement with these kind of efforts is dependent upon being smart, not being everywhere.
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The Meaning and Definition of Integrity
In an effort to define the word "integrity", I came up with some explanations, after consulting some dictionaries and encyclopaedias.
Integrity is made up of several words, meanings and synonyms. It consists of a lot of what can be described as ethical and moral values or civilised values.
1. Soundness:
This refers to how healthy an opinion, argument, reasoning or a research finding is, implying how free it is from flaw, defect or decay.
Also, how free is it from error, fallacy, or misapprehension; exhibiting or based on thorough knowledge and experience; legally valid; logically valid and having true premises; agreeing with accepted views.
It also means solid, firm, stable and thorough; showing good sense or judgment based on valid information.
2. Completeness:
It means having all necessary parts, elements, or steps; highly proficient; totally, absolutely, thoroughly and fully carried out; including all possible parts.
3. Sincerity:
It means fairness and straightforwardness of conduct; adherence to the facts.
4. Honesty:
It implies a refusal to lie, steal, or deceive in any way.
5. Honor:
It suggests an active or anxious regard for the standards of one's profession, calling, or position.
6. Probity:
It implies tried and proven honesty or truthfulness.
7. Incorruptibility:
It implies trustworthiness and truthfulness to a degree that one is incapable of being false to a trust, responsibility or pledge.
It also finally means being incapable of corruption; not subject to decay or dissolution; incapable of being bribed or morally corrupted.
8. Conclusion:
The question to be asked is where does a nation stand with regard to these principles of integrity; where does an organisation or political party stand and finally what is my individual position? This synonymous question can also be asked: How civilised are we?
9. Resources:
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
10. The Stanford University Encyclopedia of Philosophy states the following:
"Integrity is one of the most important and oft-cited of virtue terms. It is also perhaps the most puzzling. For example, while it is sometimes used virtually synonymously with 'moral,' we also at times distinguish acting morally from acting with integrity. Persons of integrity may in fact act immorally-though they would usually not know they are acting immorally. Thus one may acknowledge a person to have integrity even though that person may hold importantly mistaken moral views.
When used as a virtue term, 'integrity' refers to a quality of a person's character; however, there are other uses of the term. One may speak of the integrity of a wilderness region or an ecosystem, a computerized database, a defense system, a work of art, and so on. When it is applied to objects, integrity refers to the wholeness, intactness or purity of a thing-meanings that are sometimes carried over when it is applied to people. A wilderness region has integrity when it has not been corrupted by development or by the side-effects of development, when it remains intact as wilderness. A database maintains its integrity as long as it remains uncorrupted by error; a defense system as long as it is not breached. A musical work might be said to have integrity when its musical structure has a certain completeness that is not intruded upon by uncoordinated, unrelated musical ideas; that is, when it possesses a kind of musical wholeness, intactness and purity.
Integrity is also attributed to various parts or aspects of a person's life. We speak of attributes such as professional, intellectual and artistic integrity. However, the most philosophically important sense of the term 'integrity' relates to general character. Philosophers have been particularly concerned to understand what it is for a person to exhibit integrity throughout life. Acting with integrity on some particularly important occasion will, philosophically speaking, always be explained in terms of broader features of a person's character and life.
What is it to be a person of integrity? Ordinary discourse about integrity involves two fundamental intuitions: first, that integrity is primarily a formal relation one has to oneself, or between parts or aspects of one's self; and second, that integrity is connected in an important way to acting morally, in other words, there are some substantive or normative constraints on what it is to act with integrity. How these two intuitions can be incorporated into a consistent theory of integrity is not obvious, and most accounts of integrity tend to focus on one of these intuitions to the detriment of the other.
A number of accounts have been advanced, the most important of them being: (i) integrity as the integration of self; (ii) integrity as maintenance of identity; (iii) integrity as standing for something; (iv) integrity as moral purpose; and (v) integrity as a virtue. These accounts are reviewed below. We then examine several issues that have been of central concern to philosophers exploring the concept of integrity: the relations between types of integrity, integrity and moral theory, and integrity and social and political conditions."
For further detailed discussion of "Integrity" visit:
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Eight ways to keep your business tax-healthy
(ARA) - The U.S. was home to 27.5 million small businesses in 2009 according to the U.S. Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy. To succeed, many business owners take on multiple duties, from executive and operational, human resources, to marketing and information technology.
Among the more challenging responsibilities is taxes. "Thankfully, you don't have to be an accountant to be tax-savvy," says Jessi Dolmage, spokesperson for TaxACT. "Just knowing where to go for information, keeping secure records and using robust tax software helps maximize business tax savings."
* Budget for tax deadlines to avoid cash flow disruption and meet deadlines to avoid penalties. Most self-employed people should complete Form 1040-ES to calculate and pay quarterly estimated tax payments. Corporations must also pay estimated payments if they expect to owe taxes of $500 or more. Businesses with employees are subject to different forms and deadlines based on business type and revenue, - i.e. Forms 940, 941 and 944. Corporations and S-corporations must file annual 1120 and 1120S tax returns by March 15.
* Define and pay labor properly. Employees require different paperwork than independent contractors. Withhold income, Medicare and Social Security taxes from employee paychecks and pay Medicare, Social Security and unemployment taxes for them. Conversely, issue independent contractors a 1099-MISC form if payments total $600 or more in a calendar year.
* Get familiar with small business tax benefits. For 2011, the deduction for business start-up costs is worth twice as much and phases out at a higher amount. Legislation also extended the increased deduction amount, phase-out limit and definition of Section 179 property. First-year bonus depreciation was also extended. For property placed in service after Sept. 8, 2010, and before Jan. 1, 2012, bonus depreciation is 100 percent. The Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 included a deduction for health insurance premiums when calculating self-employment tax. Self-employed individuals can deduct 100 percent of health insurance costs for themselves, their spouse and dependents. Visit and click on "Businesses" for information about these and other business tax breaks.
* Remember tax law changes often. Stay in the know by signing up for small business e-mail updates at
* Do your own business and personal taxes. Software breaks down complicated tax law and guides you through your return while completing the forms. TaxACT offers low-cost software for partnerships, S-corporations and corporations. For 1040 individual returns, use TaxACT Free Federal or Deluxe Edition to file Schedule C for sole proprietorships.
* Keep financial records current. Updated records translate into timely financial statements, which make for easier tax preparation. Scan or keep original receipts for updating monthly books or returning items. They may also be helpful in the event of an Internal Revenue Service audit.
* Track deductible expenses. Whether you deduct actual vehicle expenses or use the standard mileage rate (51 cents per mile in 2011), keep detailed documentation including mileage and purpose. Detailed logs should also be kept for travel expenses and business use of your home. Documenting takes time and effort, but the deductions are worth it.
* Protect information from theft and data loss. Shred sensitive data before recycling and never share financial information with unauthorized personnel. Scan important documents and keep backup copies on a password-protected and secure external drive or cloud setting. Keep digital photographs of valued assets.
For more business tax tips and information, visit Learn more about TaxACT at
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Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Free Web Development Business Plan
Obtaining Business Financing
When obtaining a business loan for a website development business, it is imperative that you have a properly structured business plan that will assist you in showcasing how you intend to operate your Web Development business, how the business will operate, how you intend to market the business, the anticipated financial results of your company, and how you intend to repay your debt obligations. This sample loan business plan will provide you with the framework that you need in order to acquire a business loan for starting or expanding this type of business.
Executive Summary
When obtaining a business loan for a web development business, it is imperative that your business plan has a clear and concise executive summary that provides an outline of what are seeking to accomplish, how much capital you are seeking to raise, the management biography of the business owner, and an overview of the anticipated profit and loss statements of the business. Here is an example of how the title paragraph should be written:
Web Development, Inc. ("the Company") is seeking a business loan of $100,000 in order to launch the operations of a web development business that will be based in San Francisco, California. The Company was founded in (Insert Year). The business was founded by Mr. John Doe.
Products and Services
In the next segment of the business loan and business planning document, you should showcase the products and services that you will be providing to the general public. For instance:
Web Development, Inc. will provide customers with a broad range of web development services including website development, web application development, e-commerce site development, and web hosting. The business will earn substantial revenues from the website development services coupled with recurring streams of revenue from the web hosting revenues that will be generated on a monthly basis.
Business Loan Terms
Now it is time to discuss the anticipated terms of the business plan that you are seeking. An example paragraph of how this is stated:
At this time, Mr. Doe is seeking a conventional business loan in the amount of $100,000. The interest rate, loan terms, and loan covenants are to be determined during negotiation. However, this business plan assumes that the business will receive a seven year business loan with a seven percent interest rate due on the outstanding principal balance.
Management Biography
Now that the summary of the business has been provided, it is time to provide a brief overview of the owner of the business. An example paragraph summing up the owner is as follows:
Mr. Doe is a highly experienced business person that has years of experience regarding the direct ownership and management of business. He will be able to effectively bring the operations of the Web Development business to profitability while ensuring that the business loan's payments and its covenants are met at all times.
Financial Statements
The most important thing to your lender when applying for a business loan is how you intend to repay the bank. In this section of the business plan, you should provide an overview of the finance's of the business discussing the anticipated revenues, expenses, and profits/losses. You can also discuss the applicable collateral within the business plan that will be used to secure your business financing.
Expansion Plans
One of the most important aspects of your business plan is how you intend to expand the business over a three to five year period. Banks and finance companies always want to see that the business will experience a moderate to strong level of growth. This is especially true in business lending because as your business grows the cash flow that secures your business loan will decrease proportionality against your monthly credit obligations. An example of how this is stated is as follows:
The Web Development business will continue to expand through organic means including increasing the Company's advertising budget via the reinvestment into the after tax cash flows of the business.
The Financing
Use of Business Loan Proceeds
In this section of the business plan you should focus on how the proceeds of the business loan will be used. An example of this would be as follows:
- Web Development Office Establishment - $50,000
- Servers and Technology Equipment - $10,000
- Working capital - $40,000
Management Equity
In this section of the business plan you should discuss the percentage ownership of the business among the owners of the business. For example:
Mr. Doe will own 100% of the Web Development, Inc.
Board of Directors
When applying for business financing, the bank will also want to know who serves as the board of directors. For small businesses, usually the owner serves as the director of the business. An example of how this is worded:
Mr. Doe will be the sole director of Web Development, Inc.
Exit Strategy
Any bank or financing company is also going to want to know what you intend to do with the business over a set period of time. Many business owners will develop and expand a business with the intent to sell the company to a third party at a later time. When drafting this part of the business plan you should focus on what you intentions are in regards to potentially selling the business. This is often worded as:
Mr. Doe would most likely sell the Web Development businesses to a third party for a significant earnings multiple. Website Development businesses usually sell for approximately one to three times earnings given the financial strength of the business. In this event, the business would be sold by a business broker and the business loan sought in this plan would be repaid according to the covenants of the business loan agreement.
Products and Services
When developing a business plan that is appropriate for obtaining a business loan or other business credit facility you need to clearly showcase the services or products that you will be offering to the general public. An example of how this section is worded goes as follows:
As stated in the executive summary, Web Development, Inc. will specialize in the ongoing development of website development, web applications, and hosting services to the general public on a nationwide basis. The business intends to hire a number of independent contractors that will work on the Company's behalf when developing websites for the Company's clients. The business will also generate highly recurring streams of revenues from the ongoing sale of hosting services for people that do not own their own website hosting servers.
Industry and Market Analysis
The Current State of the Economy
It is important to let your financial institution know that you are well apprised of the financial situation of the general economy when you are applying for a business loan. This is especially true in today's environment where lending has become more difficult and will remain more difficult in the foreseeable future. Specifically, you should gear this section of the business plan analysis towards the industry that you are operating within. For example:
The current economy has remained difficult over the past few years. However, Web Development businesses tend to operate with a strong degree of economic stability as these businesses are able to generate highly recurring streams of revenue from the fees associated with hosting services. As such, the business will be able to remain profitable and cash flow positive in any economic climate despite the current deleterious conditions in the general economy.
The Web Development Industry
In addition to providing your business loan officer with an understanding of the general economy, it is important that you showcase that you have an equal understanding of the industry in which you are operating within. As such, you will need to provide you business loan institution of a brief overview of your industry and any potential changes that may affect the way that your company does business. An example of how an industry overview is as follows:
In the United States, there are approximately 100,000 companies and individual providers that are able to provide web development services to the general public. Aggregately, these businesses generate more than $50 billion per year while providing gross payrolls exceeding $20 billion. The industry outlook is strong for the web development industry as every business now wants to have a presence on the internet.
Target Market
In this section of the business loan application and business plan analysis, you should focus on the demographics of your localized market (or national market if applicable). This section should discuss how many people live in your area, the anticipated number of people that would require the use of Web Development Services, the median household income of people living in the area, poverty line statistics, and any applicable laws that would apply to your operation of Web Development Companies.
Many people that are developing new businesses or expanding existing businesses often feel that their business does not have any competition or limited competition at best. However, this is almost never the case. Unless you have re-invented the wheel – you will have competition. When applying for a business loan, you should clearly showcase your competition in your business plan. This is especially important to your banker as they will be able to gauge your ability to be successful in your targeted market. Many business loan underwriters will aggressively confirm that competitive nature of your local market and your local industry.
When drafting this section of the plan you should heavily discuss the competitive advantages that you intend to have over your competition.
Marketing Plan
In addition to all of the above information that we have covered, your business loan officer is also going to want to know how you intend to market your business to the general public. Most people do not quite understand how to effectively market their business outside of prominent signage or flyer distribution. When applying for a business loan (again in this difficult lending climate), your banker is going to want to see that you have a clear methodology of how you intend to market your services or products to the general public. In this section of the business plan – we will overview how to showcase your services/products to the general public.
Marketing Overview Example
- The Web Development will place prominent signage on the facility to draw a significant amount of foot traffic in its local location in San Francisco.
- The business will maintain listings in the Yellow Books.
- The Web Development business will also maintain an internet website that showcases the Company's operations, hours of operation, and relevant contact information.
Marketing Strategies Overview
Additionally, you will be required to further drill down (in your business plan) how you intend to implement your strategies when you launch or expand your business's operations. In this section of the business loan and business plan documents, you should amplify the bullet points from the section above. For instance:
The Web Development intends to use a number of strategies that will create instant traffic and customer flow to the Company's location. These strategies include not only using prominent facility and road signage, but also distributing flyers to people that fall into he Company's targeted demographics. The business will also regularly take out advertisements in localized newspapers that showcase the Company's hours of operations, web development and web application development services, and specials that are occurring with the on a regular basis.
The business will also maintain a highly informative website that showcases the Web Development company's services, its hours of operation, service information, and other relevant information in regards to the Company's services. This website will be listed on major search engines such as Google as many people now use the internet to locate web development businesses.
The Financial Plan
Beyond any other part of your business loan application or business plan, the financials section of these documents are what matters most when applying for a business loan or any other type of credit facility. Ultimately, this section of the business plan showcases not only what your anticipated profitability will be, but also how you intend to repay the funds that you have borrowed through your business financing facility. An example of how this section is structure is as follows:
- Web Development, Inc. will have an average annual growth rate of 10% per year.
- Mr. Doe will acquire $100,000 through a business loan in order to launch the operations of the business.
Proforma Financials for a Business Loan
Now it is time to showcase how you intend to repay your loan, generate a profit, and increase the book value of your business over a three to five year period. has developed an easy to use financial model that you can use when drafting out the financial model for your business plan and business loan application. Through your business loan application, you will be required to have the following:
- Profit and Loss Statement for your Web Development Business
- Cash Flow Analysis for the Web Development Business
- Balance Sheet for the Web Development
- Business Loan Amortization Tables
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Sunday, February 20, 2011
Yet one downside of renting has always been that leasing doesn't build your credit the way owning can.
In this credit-constrained economy, having insufficient credit history can hinder your ability to obtain credit or increase your cost of borrowing as much as having a bad credit history might. Having little or no credit history may not be scoreable by traditional credit scores, which often prevents the applicant from receiving several types of credit, including cell phones and credit cards.
Building credit is becoming easier for renters, however, thanks to new developments in the credit world. Your rental history information may now be factored into certain credit scores such as VantageScore.
Your good rental history now counts
Nearly 96 million renters, most of whom pay their rent on time, are not getting the credit they deserve based on their credit reports, according to the National Multi Housing Council. The three national credit bureaus historically factored only negative rental data into an individual's credit report or score, such as evictions and charge offs. Now, Experian has begun factoring positive rental history data into consumer credit scores, thanks to its acquisition of RentBureau, the largest and most widely used credit bureau for the multifamily industry.
This means that positive information that was previously only available to, and used by those in the rental industry, is now factored into credit reports and credit scores for lenders of all types, including auto lenders and mortgage companies. On-time rental payments and your history as a good-paying tenant can now positively affect your credit score.
The data can be helpful to homeowners who may have gone through a foreclosure and need to rebuild their credit while renting. It will also help property owners conduct more effective screenings of potential tenants as past rental behavior is the best indicator for how an apartment applicant is likely to pay rent in the future.
The basics still work
Beyond making sure you pay your rent on time every month, you can rely on tried-and-true methods for building credit, including:
* Pay all bills on time, from credit cards to utilities.
* Establish utilities or cell phone service in your own name, rather than a parent, spouse or friend. In some areas of the country, those new accounts may be reported to the credit bureaus and could factor into your score and report. Conversely, if you fail to pay, no matter where you live the bill will almost certainly be turned over to a collection agency and will negatively affect your credit.
* Obtain a credit card and use it wisely. Simply having an inactive card is not enough to build credit. Credit scores will look at how often you use the card, how much of the balance you pay and if you pay on time. Making small, affordable charges and paying them in full each month can help build your score.
* Have more than one line of credit. One credit card alone isn't likely to do much for your score. Consumers who have fewer than three types of credit on their reports are likely to have lower scores.
* Pay attention to your debt-to-available-credit ratio. Maxing out your credit cards is damaging to your credit scores. It's best to keep your balances as low as possible. Having no more than $5,000 in debt when you have available credit of more than $20,000 will have a less negative impact on your score than maxing out your credit cards.
Ten tips for dressing for the job interview
Debra Pierce, director for career services for Miami International University of Art & Design and Kate Campbell, director for fashion and retail management at The Art Institute of Tampa, help shed some light on dressing for the interview in the new business environment.
* Do your homework. Yes, dressing for the interview requires you to research the employer. If you are applying for a job with a young, trendy boutique, dress in a way that the interviewer can envision you in their shop servicing their clientele.
* Stylish is better than funky. Employers want to see that you will fit in with their business. However, be warned - stylish is better than funky. Too much "trend" can scare a potential employer away. Good taste is more valuable than how avante-garde you can be. This is not the time to experiment. For the guys, the same rules apply.
"When you walk through the door, you should be mistaken for the boss," says Campbell. "Caveat: This is a fine line to walk. If you walk in wearing Prada, and the interviewing manager is in a Brooks Brothers suit, are you sending the right message? Don't overdress or get label happy. Leave the Gucci and Guess at home; keep it clean, neutral and generic."
* Clean goes a long way. Clean, pressed khakis or dress pants are preferred. Clean, appropriate shoes and accessories are essential (use a tie if it matches the employer's profile). No T-shirts with political satire, obscene graphics or logos. No droopy jeans or visible underwear. Again, this is not the time to make a personal statement. You should reflect the employer's values and image. If all else fails, a basic blue or gray suit is always stylish and in good taste.
* Accessories. Be frugal with jewelry - less is more. If your jewelry jingles, makes noise or can get caught on any of your clothes, leave it at home.
* Keep your grooming simple. Hair should be clean and neat, and nails clean and well manicured. Chipped nail polish will not make a good impression. The applicant should look like they cared enough to shower. Go light on makeup. Heavy eye makeup or lipstick is a no-no.
* Go easy on the perfume and aftershave. There is nothing worse than causing your interviewer to have an allergic reaction.
* Shoes need to be clean and in good shape. "No sandals of any kind - no matter where you live," says Campbell.
* Color is important. Dressing for the interview also requires that you choose colors carefully. "Color as part of your interview strategy is extremely important since it is a useful tool in conveying a powerful message - that said, make sure you're sending the right message," says Pierce. Blue, especially navy, is a go-to color because it conveys an image of someone in control but it also conjures up calm, stability, trust, truth, confidence and security. Gray is the second most popular color for an interview after blue. It has similar traits to blue, but also denotes sophistication.
While black commands authority, it also implies drama and can make you appear unapproachable, so use it sparingly - perhaps as an accent color. Green indicates nature, success, wealth and security. It is a calming color and is very relaxing. Dark green is masculine, conservative and implies wealth. Stay away from reds, oranges and yellows. Red is a powerful color and is associated with energy, passion, desire, power and aggression. Orange is similar to red in that it can stimulate strong emotions. Yellow promotes a wide range of emotions including cheer, goodwill, caution and even jealousy. For these reasons, any of these colors should be used as an accent color only. White shirts and blouses are conventional and convey cleanliness, goodness and precision. Purple and pinks are both feminine colors and should be worn with discretion, especially in fields with a strong gender bias.
* When dressing for the job interview, one of the most important items to make sure you're wearing is confidence. "Confidence comes from knowing who you are and what your values are, and most importantly being comfortable with them - whether or not you get the job," says Pierce. Your level of confidence really does come across in an interview, so don't forget to come prepared and show it.
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